Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Moving On

Do things look a little different around here? I officially closed my shop today and shipped my last package. I removed my business-y banner from my blog and Etsy and also got rid of a few business-y things on the side bar. I also need to work on updating my faves that are listed in the side bar because I don't think I've done that in a few years!

I spent several hours working on my quilt over the weekend and I have three rows finished. Only two more to go!
The blocks are large - about 16" - so they come together quickly and all of the progress is great for keeping me motivated.

Now I need to start thinking about the back and binding. I love the look of a pieced back but I'm fairly confident I can't get everything lined up correctly and my lines between pieces won't be straight. Does that make sense? I'm considering an all white back with some kind of patterned applique or maybe a big cluster of rolled roses. Any ideas?

I'm dreading the step I think everyone hates...pinning together all of the layers. The hardest part for me is that we live in a tiny old house with small, chopped up rooms so there isn't really a spot for me to lay everything out. I tried using basting adhesive with my last quilt and that was a DISASTER! I ended up in tears with quilt pieces stuck to my feet!


tiggerific said...

i dont know if this is what u r looking for as a solution, but if u had three 1x2 pieces of wood as long as the width of the quilt is and rolled up the backing on one the batting on one and the topper on another then layed the backing first down wrong side up and unrolled it a little ways and then the batting unrolled to the backing then the topper enough so u can baste it together then unroll a little more backing, batting and topper then baste and so on and so on til it is all basted. i hope that helps. the big plus is u can do it on a large table, or small floor space.

Kelci said...

Thanks for the tip! I'm sort of picturing what you're describing but I'm not sure whether what I'm picturing is accurate. Do you have any links to pics of the process? Or is there a specific name for basting this way?