Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dumpster Divers

Am I the only crafter who has a problem with my children constantly digging through my sewing studio trash? I was just telling friends that at least once a day, I walk by my sewing area and it looks like raccoons have been in my trash can.

The girls have an amazing craft supply stash with lots of fun stuff. There's no reason at all for them to be hunting for treasure in my trash. Crafty Papa says I need to put my trash in the kitchen trash can. Say what? I'm supposed to walk through our weird maze-of-a-house to throw away every stray thread and teeny tiny scrap of fabric? I don't think so.

Remind me again when school starts? I was really looking forward to this summer but the reality hasn't been quite as fun as the dream. We've been busy every single freaking weekend with one event or another to attend. The girls are at each other's throats and I'm still trying to figure out how to balance working from home with my stay at home mom duties. The girls are watching more tv these days than I would like but I believe that may be what's keeping us all from killing each other. They start swim lessons next week and I could almost pee myself thinking about having 45 minutes straight without having to tend to children.

I'm missing sewing for Crafty Mama Creations and really wish I could list more frequently (and actually sell something now and then!). I'm currently working 15ish hours a week sewing for my employer and a lady can only sit at her sewing machine for so long, you know?

1 comment:

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

*They start swim lessons next week and I could almost pee myself thinking about having 45 minutes straight without having to tend to children.* Love that line! Every mother totally gets that!!